Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Interview with Michael Snyder, Part Two

As promised, here's part two. Read to the end to find out how to enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Return Policy.

RH: You’re sitting in Starbucks and three authors walk in and ask to share your table. They are:

MS: -Hmmm, I’m tempted to say Grisham or King, so we could get all the refills we want. But I think I’m going to go with Hornby, Russo, and Coupland. When we ran out of writerly things to talk about, we could have an arm wrestling contest.

RH: A character in your book is serving raccoon at a candlelit dinner. Red or white wine? Side dishes? Condiments? Background music?

MS:-I’m really glad you went with raccoon as opposed to inebriated basset hound or badger! So I’m thinking red Kool-Aid, white vinegar, with a side dish of a large takeout pizza. The condiments would have to include dental floss for sure. The background music would obviously be the theme song to the old Daniel Boone series.

(This photo has absolutely nothing to do with the interview, but I just find that pictures heighten interest, don't you agree?)

RH: Any new titles/projects that you are currently working on that you can tell us about?

MS:-My current novel-in-progress is called A Stand-Up Guy. It attempts to answer the question, “What if a stand-up comic resolved to only tell the truth in his act, no matter who gets hurt?”

I’ve also described it this way… “A classic tale of girl meets boy, boy catches girl stealing.”

The story’s really not as funny as I’m making it sound. It should have plenty of jokes and humorous observations, but hopefully will have a pretty big heart beating inside between the pages as well. (And maybe even a few more mixed metaphors like the one I just doled out there…)

RH: What is a word or phrase that you need to be careful to not overuse in your books?

MS: -It really changes with every book. I know in the first draft of Russell Fink it seemed like every character grinned and nodded a lot. So it was like I was writing about a cast of maniacal bobble-head dolls.

And my wife is always catching me misspelling the word “from.” I spell it f-o-r-m, which obviously changes the meaning quite a bit.

RH: Do you listen to music as you write? If so, whose music brings out the best in you?

MS: -Absolutely! When I first started writing, I could only listen to a handful of albums—namely, Jonatha Brooke’s early stuff, Miles Davis’ Ballads & Blues, and a couple of Keith Jarrett solo piano things.

Thankfully, my muse has grown more agreeable and I can listen to pretty much anything I like now. For some reason lately, I’ve been on a Wilco kick. Ryan Adams is getting a lot of play as well. And a newish band called Roman Candle.

RH: Is there something that you wish an interviewer would ask you but never does? Feel free to ask and answer it here.

MS:-“How can you be so incredibly rich AND good-looking?”

Frankly, I’m a little bummed (not to mention surprised!) that you didn’t ask. I’ve read and reread these questions numerous times and still can’t find it. I’m trying to forgive you.

RH: Have you ever won a prize in a contest?

MS: -I suppose you mean writing contests. Obviously, I’d prefer not go into detail on my long and storied legacy as a body-builder, a cake decorator, a moose hunter, and the world’s-fastest-nail-clipper.

A few years ago a short story of mine was named the editor’s choice in a literary journal called Relief. Also, My Name Is Russell Fink was nominated for the Book of the Year (2009) by Christianity Today—Marilyn Robinson actually won the award. Can you believe she beat me?

RH: Please direct us to your blog/website. Can you direct us to any websites where we can read some of your short stories/writings?

MS: -

I have just paid someone to update my website and blog. So hopefully I’ll be adding content worth reading in the very near future!

And of course, I’m noodling around with some regularity on Facebook and Twitter.

RH: Do you need another dog?

MS:-Only if it promises to either a) educate, or b) quietly dispose of, my current dog.

RH: What are you thinking right now?

MS:-“I wonder if Rhonda remembers she owes me ten bucks…” this point I abruptly ended the interview. I could tell you that Michael left me with these words: "Rhonda, you ask amazing cool questions. And you’re one of the best aunts in the business." Yes, I could mention that but it would be self-serving, so I won't.


Unknown said...

42. Which is also the answer to the meaning of life, according to 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' series... not that it really matters....

Great interview, Mike! Very funny!

Anonymous said...

42 is the correct answer. I really enjoyed the interview. I hope you paid him the $10. Joanie

MeeMaw YaYa said...

Looks like Liberty and Anonymous (I know who you are) are the winners of a signed copy of Return Policy. I'll be in touch!