There I Fixed It: This first site is in honor of my husband, Fran. Today we celebrate our 31st anniversary. We probably wouldn't have ever met except for the fact that my car broke down 32 years ago. When I told my friend, Nick, that my car was in trouble, he said "Let's take it to my friend, Fran. He can fix anything." And that's how I met Fran. Our first date was to Hood's Discount Store. Isn't that romantic? He won my father's practical heart almost immediately, and truth be told, my parents have always liked him better than me. So this site shows examples of repairs that would never be attributed to Fran. By the way, I think cooking multiple hotdogs on a rake (above) is actually a pretty good idea. Go to the site to see more "creative" ways to fix things.

Well, you could spend all day and then some here. What incredible learning experiences are available through the Internet! From panoramas of the Seven Wonders of the World to a virtual tour of The Louvre to a virtual walking tour of the Smithsonian National Museum of National History. Pretty cool stuff.

And finally, Plantware just makes me laugh. I have trouble enough getting things to grow around my house, let alone adding the extra pressure of trying to make plants grow around things or be funtional.
Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. Fixit!
Happy belated anniversary to you both. Wow, I didn't know it was 31 years. Nice going. Hope to have time to visit those web sites. You have a knack for finding interesting things--such a good librarian you are. Joanie
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