Friday, July 24, 2009

Babies and Wild Things - Synonymous?

Two fun websites today:

Having a bad day? Visit Tom Arma Collections and see if you can keep from smiling. A couple of my favorites are the caterpillar and the fly in the "Baby Bugs" gallery, and the buffalo in the "Please Save the Animals" gallery. What's your favorite?

Do you remember reading Where the Wild Things Are, the Maurice Sendak classic? You probably have heard that it is being made into a movie, scheduled to be released in mid-October. How they are building a feature-length movie out of a picture book is beyond me, but I'm interested. Recently I discovered Terrible Yellow Eyes, a website created by Cory Godbey, an artist/illustrator living in South Carolina. Graphic artists are invited to use this site to pay tribute to Where the Wild Things Are by sharing their creative interpretation of Max and the Wild Things. It is truly amazing to see the work of these talented artist and then to be able to visit their websites or blogs to see what else they have in the works. Wow, what an inspiration!

Oh, and you can view the movie trailer at Warner Brother's site:

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