Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Working in the School Library

I have the privilege of working with many fine people at my school...from the cafeteria ladies to the teachers and even our mighty fine principal. But two of the finest people I work with are the teacher assistants who help in the library each day. Brownie works in the morning and Fish Stixs works in the afternoon. They both are the kind of people who know what to do and do it without being asked. Self-starters,God love 'em!!! I am honored to work with them and hope they stay for a long time.

Let's Hear It for Old Dogs!

Great story at

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Eileen and Fish

My friend Eileen has a running joke with me. She loves fish and everything in her life revolves around fish. That's all. You can imagine how boring it is to be around her. I wrote this because she didn't believe I had a blog.