Saturday, December 5, 2009

Free Entertaiment at the Expense of Your Family and Friends

There are a thousand things I should be doing right now, but this somehow seems more important. Have you seen the fun OfficeMax site where you can turn yourself and your friends into dancing elves? Check out this one of Fran, my mother and me getting down with our bad selves at JibJab ElfYourself. Yeah, I know, pretty impressive. Try to wipe that image out of your mind.

You can have hours of fun at this site, creating "elves" who can perform five different dances. Email your creations to anyone who needs a good laugh. Or put them on your blog. Or post them on Facebook for the world to see.


Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing. That was the funniest elf dance I have seen. (Sorry I haven't seen that many). You rock!! Joanie

Lori Waggoner said...

Has Juanita seen this? I'm with Joanie...the best I've seen yet!

MeeMaw YaYa said...

Glad to give you guys a laugh. My mom HAS seen this. She just shakes her head and says, "Oh, Rhonda..." She puts up with a lot.