Saturday, August 25, 2007

More Cowboy-Themed Books

Tucker, Kathy and Nadine Bernard Westcott, ill. - Do Cowboys Ride Bikes? Humorous rhyming answers to fourteen questions about what it's like to be a cowboy.

Wheeler, Lisa and Kurt Cyrus, ill. - Sixteen Cows - Rhyming tale of Cowboy Gene and Cowgirl Sue, whose beloved cows get mixed up when a storm blows down the fence between their ranches. - not sure this would work so well as a read aloud

Frank, John and Zachary Pullen - The Toughest Cowboy: or How the Wild West was Tamed - this is really a neat book, funny with great illustrations; the tough cowboy ends up with a free dog that happens to be a french poodle named "Foofy" - a little crude humor, the kind that boys like, lengthy for a read aloud


April said...

This will be our little secret. shhhhhh. ;)


Anonymous said...

I promise I found you entirely by my own searching and not from April, but I also will not tell anyone. :-)